Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lipstick and Latex - An Introduction Into My Alternative Life

I can't say that I've always liked sex.  I've loved it.

From my conception I think I've always been thinking about sex in one way or another.   Growing up in my family, sex was a big taboo.  My mother was a fundamentalist Christian, and sex was always something that you waited until marriage for and only did in the missionary position.  Sex was for pro-creating, and not to be explored, lest the lord smite you where you stood (or kneeled).  How utilitarian.  Leave it to religion to fuck up the most artistic, beautiful and self expressive thing humans can do.  So of course, being that it was so wrong, I just HAD to find out what it was about.

When I grew up, the internet was just picking up steam.  It was cool, but it was slower than a burro pulling a cart of Mexicans.  Back then, no one really knew how the potential of the web, let alone really how to use it.  It was kind of a novelty... but it was great for accessing porn!

I remember building computers in my room, signing up for a free internet account, and waiting for my parents to go to bed so I could access the phone line without them knowing.  Every night I would hit the connect button, wait to hear the scratching, tweaking, garbling sound of the modem and then go exploring.  Back then we didn't have high speed, HD streaming video or 12 megapixel pictures.

First, you would have to find a site, which took shitloads of time within itself.  This was before search engines like Google that access every crevice and crack in the web and display the results on a nice, clean user friendly page.  There was nothing user friendly about this.  This was down and dirty.  The best way was usually trial and error (picking out dirty words and typing them randomly into the web address field of the browser), or word of mouth (Jimmy in Math class just found this really sweet site!), or by clicking on links from other sites.  That, however was only half the battle.

Once you found a site, you had to wait 1 to 2 minutes for the homepage to load.  If it was a pay site, you were SOL, it was back to square one.  Then, if you wanted to view pictures, you had to find them, and wait another 1 to 2 minutes per picture for them to load.  Then when they finally loaded, they were usually some kind of low grade, pixelated mess.  And video?  Forget about it.  You were better off raiding the stash in your best friends single dads closet.

There is something nostalgic about those old times.  Sneaking around, trying to find the wildest, craziest, dirtiest shit out there.  Looking at Playboys with your buddies after school on the walk home.  Finding something crazy in your friends parents closet and wondering what the fuck it was... then washing your hands raw after touching it.

Now anyone with an Ipod can find five videos of horse fucking a black midget within two clicks.  It's sad really.

But I digress.  Welcome to my blog.  My name is Max Stone, and I am a pornographer.  I am partners in Menagerie Entertainment based out of Denver, CO.  On this blog you will find my thoughts about shit, my feelings about other shit and info about what's going on in my life and with the company .  You may also at times encounter links, pictures, videos, etc. about things that I might find amusing, interesting, creative, informational and sometimes downright disgusting.

Welcome to my world.  Enjoy!

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